Anarchy at Effingham Secondary: Law and order must be brought back to our province’s schools

Issued by Sakhile Mngadi, MPL – DA KZN Spokesperson on Education
22 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

The DA will write to KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Department of Education (DoE) HoD, Nkosinathi Ngcobo, after chaos erupted at Effingham Secondary School yesterday afternoon with learners attempting to burn classrooms and destroy school property.

Today, the DA conducted an oversight inspection at the school to assess the situation. Upon closer inspection we have concluded that the unrest is drug related.

This school is currently facing a drug problem and it is alleged that there are learners participating in the selling and use of drugs on school premises.

The DA vehemently condemns this activity. It is unthinkable that in a province that has schools in need of basics such as toilets and textbooks, there are learners who would purposefully destroy facilities due to drugs.

We welcome the SAPS-led investigation initiated by Principal, Ms. Xulu, and call for a swift and comprehensive probe while we also support the disciplinary processes instigated against the identified learners.

Violence and crime often spill over into schools due to problems within our communities. A whole-of-society approach involving SAPS, community leaders, learners, religious leaders and importantly the parents – among others – must be implemented to turn matters around.

Working together with our government of provincial unity (GPU) partners, the DA will compile a list of recommendations for both KZN’s Education and Social Development departments in order to ensure a speedy resolve to this growing epidemic. Law and order must be brought back to our schools.