Our People

This is the new generation of DA leaders working hard every day to bring change to  KwaZulu-Natal.

Meet the members of the DA KwaZulu-Natal provincial legislature

Francois Rodgers

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Leader

Born in 1961 in Pietermaritzburg,the capital city of KwaZulu-Natal , Francois Rodgers was elected as the DA KZN Leader on the 27th March 2021. He attended Cowan House Preparatory School and then went on to study at Maritzburg College, he joined the Receiver of Revenue, moving to auditing of Sales Tax and PAYE. After having

Timothy Brauteseth

Public Works & Infrastructure, Public Service & Administration, Transport, committee on Parliamentary Financial Oversight

Imran Keeka

Education, QOL

Francois Rodgers

Finance, Public Works, SCOPA

Shontel Veronica De Boer

Riona Gokool

Transport Portfolio Committee

Martin Meyer

Human Settlements,COGTA