The DA welcomes the long overdue release of the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) crime statistics – by the Ministry of Police – for the fourth quarter of 2023/2024, as well as the first quarter for 2024/2025.
We welcome the inclusion of the DA’s ‘whole of society approach’ by working with other government departments including Education and Social Development. We further welcome the commitment to ensuring a professional police force, investing in crime fighting technology and the strong condemnation of so-called mafias and other extortionists. These are all issues the DA has long championed for.
The latest statistics show an alarming increase in crime levels country-wide, with KZN placed at the top in some categories. The most vulnerable in our society – women and children – still bear the brunt of a failed policing and legal system and remain the victims of heinous crime.
These crimes will take more than just a change in the legal and policing system – they require an urgent whole of society approach which must include a change in mindset and behavioural patterns amongst men in our society.
In KZN, a crime stats comparison between April to June 2023 and April to June 2024, shows that while there was a slight decrease in murder, overall figures for contact crimes (crimes against the person) increased alarmingly. Rape and attempted sexual offences also indicated a disturbing increase over this period.
It is a reality that a centralised police force under an incompetent central state, that abuses the law enforcement apparatus for party political ends, has resulted in the progressive collapse of policing in KZN.
To effectively deter crime, KZN needs a decentralised police service and more local accountability. This is possible by working with municipalities to tailor policies and policing plans that are more appropriate to specific needs, bringing security and safety closer to communities. It also needs;
• Stronger law enforcement
• A well-trained, properly supported, adequately funded police force
• Innovative technologies to combat crime effectively
• Visible law enforcement officers in high-risk areas
• The reintroduction of specialised units to tackle specific crimes and;
• Robust oversight systems that enhance accountability measures.
The DA is committed to creating a safer, more secure KZN. Our vision is rooted in the principles of accountability, transparency, and community empowerment.
We believe that by working together, as part of the Government of Provincial Unity (GPU) we can build a province where people feel safe in their homes, on the streets, and in their workplaces. To effectively combat crime and ensure the safety of KZN’s communities, we must tackle existing issues head-on.