KZN Legislature programmes are not the ANC’s personal campaign playgrounds

Issued by Dr Imran Keeka, MPL – Chief Whip to the DA in the KZN Legislature
21 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The DA has written to KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Legislature Speaker, Nontembeko Boyce, (view here) after a Civic Voter Education Programme – held yesterday in uMshwathi – was turned into an ANC campaign event.

The programme was marred when the ANC candidate (view here) for an upcoming local by-election pitched up in an ANC-branded vehicle, wearing full party regalia. He then began freely interacting with residents as if the programme was his own campaign event.

It was only after the DA complained to the Legislature Chief Whip on several occasions that the candidate covered his ANC t-shirt. Despite our objections he then persisted in his own political engagements until he was finally put in his place and asked to desist from what he was doing. He then lingered around unceremoniously for a while before leaving.

The DA strongly condemns the ANC’s abuse of a Legislature event for campaigning purposes. Their actions completely disregard the doctrine of separation of party and state. Did the ANC honestly think that they could simply hijack a Legislature event as they please?

The DA is fully aware that the ANC is on a by-election losing streak in KZN, as indicated by recent results in Newcastle, Pongola and Abaqulusi [Vryheid]. Clearly their desperation to reverse this has now reached new lows with their presence at yesterday’s legislature event.

The DA has previously cautioned the Speaker on this issue and during discussions around Legislature public programmes. we now appeal to the her to take steps to censure the ANC. Official events of the Legislature are not ANC meetings and this must be made absolutely loud and clear.

KZN’s Taliban-run faction of the ANC must also understand that Legislature events are not their personal campaign playgrounds and that the provincial government is not there to fill their coffers or to be used to settle political differences.

The DA remains committed to ensuring oversight over, and accountability from government; both of which are fundamentals of a capable and ethical state.

The abuse of state resources can be stopped in its tracks on May 29. Those citizens who have not yet registered to vote still have a few days to do so. KZN must be rescued from a vile and corrupt governing party.