This Mandela Day let us reignite hope for new beginnings

Issued by Francois Rodgers – DA KZN Provincial Leader
18 Jul 2024 in Press Statements

Nelson Mandela Day is an opportunity to give, help, uplift and inspire – values which the late national icon dedicated his life to upholding. This has been the foundation from which we, as citizens of the country and province, build on going forward.

It has been said that today we find ourselves in a position where more than ever there is a need for these anchoring values. This could not be more defining for a province such as KZN. The citizens of this beautiful and diverse province have been given a chance to emulate the remarkable beliefs and values that have built a prosperous KwaZulu-Natal.

Recently our province has gone through some of the most challenging times and series of events which have tested our beliefs, endurance, vision and sense of commitment. Whether these have been through societal dynamics, political shifts, natural phenomenons or economic hardships the truth of their existence further becomes a defining call.

What remains encouraging, and what can only be described as the true spirit of Madiba, is how citizens of this province have shared in one voice for a prosperous KZN and denounced any elements that seek to spread unrest and anarchy. We have also seen how many hands have come together to give and pick up the pieces where recently others have lost everything in the catastrophic wildfires.

This is undisputed evidence that now, more than ever, we need to be a society that unites under a reignited hope for a future filled with new beginnings shaped by our own hands. By doing so we embody the building values of Madiba while we ensure that the province of KZN remains a beacon of hope and a symbol of new beginnings.