The DA welcomes the re-tabling of the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) provincial budget, by Finance MEC, Francois Rodgers, earlier today which provided an honest appraisal of the current financial situation and a commitment to zero-tolerance in terms of corruption.
It is clear from the MECs budget and from the DA’s expectations, that there is a need to change methodology and that tough decisions will have to be made going forward.
The DA welcomes the focus on the trifecta of irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure by KZN’s government departments – which has been outlawed by the MEC – along with a stern warning to avoid going into debt at all costs.
The prioritisation of decent funding for critical areas including Health, Education and Social Development also spells good news for the people of our province, as does Treasury’s offer to assist with the burdensome wage bill.
The DA is pleased to note that grants focused on job stimulation, health and nutrition and roads have not been cut too significantly. Regrettably, the wage agreement continues to affect both grants for housing and informal settlement upgrades.
The decent budget allocation to fix KZN’s often ailing infrastructure is also encouraging. It is now critical that this funding be carefully monitored in order to stamp out any corruption.
The DA reiterates its call to MEC Rodgers and his team to focus on stimulating income generation in our province by incorporating entities such as Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW), the KZN Gaming and Betting Board and the KZN Liquor Board under the Treasury umbrella.
The task ahead of MEC Rodgers will not be an easy one. He faces momentous decisions in order to get KZN’s fiscal situation back on track. The DA will continue to monitor progress in this regard and offer solutions as we begin the hard work of making our province financially viable.