KZN cabinet reshuffle will not bring stability to our province

Issued by Francois Rodgers, MPL – Leader of the DA in the KZN Legislature
23 May 2023 in Press Statements

The DA in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) notes this morning’s cabinet reshuffle, which sees former Finance Portfolio Committee Chairperson, Sipho KK Nkosi, appointed as MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works and MEC Ntuthuko Mahlaba redeployed to Sport, Arts, and Culture.

Today’s cabinet reshuffle is little more than damage control by a crisis-ridden ANC. It is not being done to provide KZN’s people with better governance.

This is evidenced by Mahlaba’s shift, which comes after a dismal performance during his short tenure as Human Settlements and Public Works MEC. Moving him to Sports, Arts, and Culture raises serious concerns about the damage he may inflict within this already dysfunctional department.

The question is: Who is running the ANC in KZN? Is it the Premier and the Executive that are making such major decisions? Or is it the ANC in eThekwini’s so-called Taliban faction?

Recent events show a distinct lack of cohesion, which does not bode well for the stability of our province, nor does the change in the line-up of MECs.

This ANC-run government continues to fail the people of KZN by placing its internal agendas ahead of their needs. The time has come for KZN’s citizens to vote for a government that puts them first. That government is led by the DA.