KwaZulu-Natal must tighten its belt – or risk losing its pants

Issued by Tim Brauteseth, MPL – DA KZN Spokesperson on Finance and SCOPA
26 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

The DA welcomes plans, by KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Finance MEC, Francois Rodgers, to drastically cut runaway spending in terms of provincial government travel and other related costs.

The MECs announcement comes hot on the heels of the revelation that KZN spent a whopping R1billion on flights and accommodation during the last financial period.

This expenditure by the previous administration took place in the context of dire poverty, infrastructure decay and declining service delivery in our province. Not only is this a slap in the face to KZN’s people, it is also reckless given the massive budget cuts imposed by National Treasury.

At a time when families and businesses alike are facing the financial crunch and are being forced to reprioritise their finances, the leaders of our province must do the same.

The MEC has already led by example within his own department. Since June he has, amongst others;

1. Closed a redundant treasury office in Durban

2. Cut his own vehicle fleet by half

3. Cut back on costly stationery, including banners and glossy booklets and;

4. Chosen to stay in guest houses instead of luxury hotel suites

The MEC’s latest announcement – that expenditure on flights and accommodation will be limited for government representatives while on official business – is set to slowly alter the course of the KZN ship into calmer waters.

KZN’s government of provincial unity (GPU) is rightly proud of the fact that it has stayed out of debt. To maintain that status, the proposed cuts of 25% in travel and accommodation will save R250 million.

This may just stave off any need for borrowing, a slippery slope the province must avoid at all costs. The last thing KZN can afford is to add the servicing of interest obligations to its already overburdened financial situation.

The DA calls on all KZN’s MECs and senior departmental officials to have a hard look at their departmental expenditure and vigorously remove the weeds of corruption and excess. The time for decisive action is now. In time, the province will realise that less money spent on luxuries will mean more is available for the hard-pressed residents of our province.

The DA will remain at the frontline when it comes to arguing for strict financial governance and will not flinch in calling for decisive action against those who do not heed this call. KZN’s people deserve a government that puts them first, financially and otherwise.