DA condemns forced suspension of BTI Bus Service in Mnambithi

Issued by Edwin Macrae Bath, MP – DA UThukela Acting Constituency Head
27 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has written to the Provincial Department of Transport via its Portfolio Committee to request their urgent intervention regarding the forced suspension of the BTI Bus service in Mnambithi due to ongoing threats of violence and intimidation.

The situation is believed to be as a result of leadership instability within the Klipriver Taxi Association. Despite recent recommendations made by the South African Nation Taxi Council (SANTACO) for the association to elect new leadership, there has been no meaningful progress made to date, further exacerbating the crisis.

The DA has also called on SANTACO to urgently intervene to restore order within the Klipriver Taxi Association.

The slow response has already deprived residents of Mnambithi, in particular those residing in Peace Town, Watersmeet, Burford, Driefontein and surrounds who rely on the BTI Bus service, in particular workers, pensioners, school children and other vulnerable groups from getting to work, school, and from collecting their grants and accessing basic services.

We must protect the most vulnerable members of our society, who depend on public transport to access opportunities and sustain their livelihoods. Freedom of movement is a right enshrined in our Constitution, and it is imperative that this right is upheld.

We urge all relevant stakeholders to act swiftly to prevent further disruptions and ensure that the BTI Bus service is restored without delay.

The DA will continue to hold the DoT and SANTACO accountable to ensure that law and order is restored and maintained for the benefit of all residents.