KwaDukuza Human Settlements projects hijacked for political gain

Issued by Councillor Rishi Pooran – DA KwaDukuza Councillor
24 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance in KwaDukuza has noted with concern, social media photos of Ward 13 Councillor Nkululeko Qwabe, flagrantly politicizing the handover of long awaited homes to beneficiaries of the Steve Biko housing project.

This is an ongoing trend in the KwaDukuza municipality, where ANC councillors attempt to hold on to their fast-diminishing power by abusing taxpayer funded resources. Separation of powers clearly remains a foreign concept to the ANC in KwaDukuza.

In the absence of both the Speaker and Whip of Council being able to decisively deal with the matter and apply the Standing Rules, the DA in KwaDukuza will be referring this matter to the Ethics committee. In addition, in the interests of transparency, we will be compelling the Human Settlements department to make all housing beneficiary lists public.

We will not allow basic services to the people of KwaDukuza to be utilised as a campaigning tool for the 2026 local government elections by ANC councillors.