DA KZN welcomes incitement of violence charge against MK’s Visvin Reddy

Issued by Chris Pappas – DA KZN Premier Candidate
02 Apr 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance in KwaZulu-Natal welcomes the charges brought against MK party member, Visvin Reddy, on allegations of inciting violence. These developments could not have come sooner at a time when political tension is on the rise, both in the province and country.

Reddy’s threats to bring about full-on anarchy to society, should the IEC rule unfavorably against Jacob Zuma and the MK party should not be taken lightly as such utterances are often the tipping point towards uncontrollable politically-driven violence, especially in a volatile province like KZN. Our province has become synonymous with blood spill, chaos, looting and lawlessness in the name of Zuma.

Through his actions the ever-opportunistic Reddy has sought to inflict fear and panic among the voting citizens of this province while creating a dangerous perception of a mafia-like MK which will go to any lengths to get its desired outcome. By doing so he is painting a picture that the MK party is above the law.

The viral blatant threats also seek to undermine the rule of law. If left unabated his utterance would have cast unfounded doubt over the credibility of the Independent Electoral Commission and put a stain on our proud history of free and fair elections.

In a province like KZN where political violence and killings have become a frequent occurrence such reckless proclamations cannot be allowed to go unchecked.

The DA welcomes the charges against Reddy and as we go into the most critical elections since the dawn of democracy we hope it sends a strong message to others who sought to turn to violence and threats to achieve political outcomes. We hope the law is afforded the space to take its course while an equally serious verdict is handed out by our courts in this matter.