KZN crime stats: Only the DA has a plan to address lawlessness in our province

Issued by Sharon Hoosen, MPL – DA KZN Spokesperson on Community Safety and Liaison
18 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The release of the Third Quarter Crime statistics shows that for many KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) residents, our province remains a living hell.

The figures, released by National Police Minister, Bheki Cele on Friday last week, for the period October to December 2023, indicate that law enforcement is losing the battle to keep our people safe.

In KZN, 18 people are killed daily, 23 are raped daily, there are 21 attempted murders each day and 83 people are victims of common assault every day. This while Inanda SAPS remains the worst station country-wide in terms of reported murders and – along with Umlazi SAPS – recorded the highest number of attempted murders.

The latest crime statistics also show an increase in sexual assaults. This includes the horrific rape of three children at a day care premises and another five learners who were raped while at school

The statistics also show that nothing has changed for the people of KZN, who continue to be exposed to horrific levels of crime. How are we supposed to live in an environment where children go to school and end up being violated and raped?

In recent months, we have experienced entire families being wiped out by gunmen invading their homes, innocent people caught in the crossfire as taxi wars rage and the scourge of politically-motivated killings that remain a constant threat as we head towards the 2024 elections. Then there are hitmen operating lucrative businesses who can be hired any day of the week.

Not even SAPS members are safe, with a 60% rise in the number of officers murdered during the three-month period

The question is: What is this ANC-run government doing to stop this lawlessness? The answer is – nothing. There are no solutions to address the blatant criminality, no plans for intelligence gathering or any other positive measures.

We all have a right to live in safe communities. We all have a right not to become desensitised to crime as a result of this ANC government’s failures.

The DA has committed to halving the rate of violent crime – including murder, attempted murder and gender-based violence – within five years. But just saying this won’t make it magically happen. Only the hard work of legislative reform – which the DA is firmly committed to – makes change possible.

The time has come to replace this ANC government with one that is proactive and will deal with criminals before violent crime consumes us all.