DA calls for clarity on eThekwini’s “unqualified audit”

Issued by Dean Macpherson MP – DA KZN Provincial Chairperson
07 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance will write to the Auditor General to request further clarity on the ANC-EFF run eThekwini Municipality’s “unqualified audit” considering the dysfunctional nature of the city.

The fact is that irregular expenditure ballooned to R2.4 billion last year and has more than doubled since 2019/2020. This speaks to the complete lack of control in the municipality when it comes to expenditure. The single biggest contributing factor to this irregular expenditure is through non-compliance with supply chain management processes. This is of course deliberate so that corruption is allowed to flourish unchecked and without consequences.

The findings of the AG also point to the municipality only spending 3.9% of its capital budget on repairs and maintenance, 50% less than what is required.

This explains why people in the north of the city continue to have no water because the ANC-EFF government have not spent the money on infrastructure development like they should have. But when it comes to parties and concerts, there is always money to be spent.

In fact, the AG’s report is damning as the municipality is unable to confirm the performance of suppliers and contractors, meaning they have no idea if the work was ever done or completed.

Furthermore, municipal officials do not disclose their interests and no action is being taken against senior officials nor independent investigation reports.

It therefore is puzzling how a municipality that cannot keep water running in taps, does not spend money on infrastructure, and can’t even get the basics right is given an “unqualified audit” and any celebration by the ANC of this “achievement” is insulting to the residents who must live under these conditions.