DA welcomes Deputy Leader Sthembiso Ngema to KZN Legislature Caucus

Issued by Dr Imran Keeka, MPL – Chief Whip to the DA in the KZN Legislature
28 Sep 2023 in Press Statements

The DA in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Legislature today welcomes DA KZN Deputy Leader and former DA eThekwini Councillor, Sthembiso Ngema, as a Member of the provincial Legislature caucus.

Sthembiso was sworn in by Speaker, Nontembeko Boyce, earlier today (view here). The move comes after the departure of former DA MPL, Hlanganani Gumbi whose resignation from the Legislature took effect earlier this month.

The DA is delighted to welcome Sthembiso to its 11-member caucus team. He has proved that he is a rising star within the party after being elected Deputy Leader earlier this year.

Sthembiso joins the caucus having excelled in his roles within eThekwini. These include serving on the Ethics committee, Human Settlement and Infrastructure committee, Local Labour forum, the Community Emergency Services and Community Safety and Security committees.

We have no doubt that as a son of our province, Sthembiso will make an extremely valuable contribution to our team, particularly in his new role as DA KZN Spokesperson on Agriculture and Rural Development.

We look forward to working with Sthembiso as we strive to bring hope to KZN’s people in 2024 and rescue our province from this ANC-run government.