Msunduzi: DA calls for finalisation of ongoing MM debacle in order to bring stability to dying municipality

Issued by Marlaine Nair, MPL – DA KZN Spokesperson on CoGTA
22 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

The DA calls on KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) CoGTA MEC, Reverend Thulasizwe Buthelezi and his department to urgently address the ongoing Municipal Manager (MM) debacle within Msunduzi municipality.

The appeal comes after it was found that the extension of Acting MM, Sabelo Hlela’s contract was irregular because the proper processes had not been followed.

The acting MM’s appointment comes on the back of the suspension earlier this year of MM, Lulamile Mapholoba, following allegations of misconduct and charges of gross dishonesty, insubordination and failure to act in the interests of the council.

While the suspended MM remains at home on full pay pending the finalisation of disciplinary processes, the city has had various acting municipal managers creating an administration in limbo and a perpetual failed state.

The bottom line is that Msunduzi’s residents have suffered for far too long and a permanent MM is needed in order for the municipality to function effectively.

The DA therefore calls on MEC Buthelezi to urgently intervene and ensure that the disciplinary process relating to the former MM is finalised. In the event that he is found innocent, he must be reinstated. If guilty he must be removed and the post advertised nationally in order to find a suitable candidate.

We welcome today’s news that the matter concerning the extension of the current acting MM’s contract has been amicably resolved for now. However, moving forward it is imperative that municipalities be held accountable, provide regular feedback and deal with disciplinary processes speedily to avoid a situation where they are without a permanent MM and repeatedly extend the contracts of acting municipal managers.

KZN’s people are looking to the government of provincial unity (GPU) to take bold steps and make decisions that benefit them. The DA remains committed to its oversight role within KZN’s new administration and to working with MEC Buthelezi and his department to bring stability and progress in Msunduzi and all other KZN municipalities.