The Democratic Alliance in KwaDukuza notes the positive developments surrounding the contentious precautionary suspension of KDM Chief Financial Officer, Shamir Rajcoomar. Following the long overdue special council sitting held on the 26th of June 2024 and subsequent resolution of council, the CFO has returned to work a year later.
While no single political party can claim sole credit for the unanimous decision of council, the Democratic Alliance caucus has remained steadfast in our view that the merits for a suspension were unwarranted and other mechanisms to deal with the transgression should have been applied. The resolution of Council has set a precedent, that administrators and political cabals should be cautious when attempting to settle their nefarious agendas by blatantly misleading council.
While the total cost to the ratepayer, of this very public spat has not been quantified, the Democratic Alliance in KwaDukuza have today written to CoGTA to request an independent opinion on the merits of the suspension,the associated costs and subsequent consequence management to those that openly misled an entire council by launching a blatant witch-hunt.