Yet again, the ANC in KwaDukuza have blurred the lines between party and state. In a full council sitting last week, the approval of R 75 000 for Easter Games was vehemently opposed by the DA due to the haphazard planning process and the financial implications thereof.
The item was obviously supported by the ANC caucus, as it would appear that resources paid for out of public funds were already earmarked for ANC Youth League games that were scheduled in various wards.
Despite following up with the Economic Development and Planning Department for clarification on how these resources were allocated, we remain unclear on what was utilised for ward-based programs and what was used to support political programs at the height of campaign season. It has become glaringly obvious that deployed officials continue to be influenced by their political masters, while public funds are utilised to garner support for a dwindling political party.
As contained in our recently launched Provincial Manifesto, the Democratic Alliance has a plan to rid KZN municipalities of corruption and deliver governance led by accountability. Come the 29th of May citizens of Kwadukuza and the province have a chance to realize this when they vote in an accountable DA government.
The DA in KwaDukuza will continue to compel officials to provide answers, in order to ensure that Council funds are not used to support political campaigns during this watershed election.