Msunduzi tries to divert R10million from critical water funding to finish building community halls

Issued by Cllr Ross Strachan – DA Msunduzi Caucus Leader
24 May 2023 in Press Statements

A “special” full Council meeting, held earlier this week, saw the ANC-run Msunduzi Municipality attempt to get approval for the diversion of R10 million from Capex Water Projects to Community Services. This, to complete the building of community halls.

Reasons for the diversion include an admission that the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) – dedicated to water infrastructure and basic water service supply – has not been spent accordingly.

This left the municipality with no option but to dump the remaining amount on other projects, where it can be spent more quickly, in order to avoid the possibility of funding being revoked in future.

The DA will not allow this increasingly desperate ANC-run administration to try to save face by sweeping its lack of proper planning and management under the carpet.

While the lack of community halls remains a concern, it cannot be a priority when there are still communities within this municipality who have to collect water from rivers or wait for rain, just to survive.

The ANC’s attempt at “fiscal dumping” is proof that is has no interest in rescuing Msunduzi’s people from what is a growing human rights crisis. This is further evidenced by the multitude of sewerage leaks throughout the city, which remain unrepaired due to a lack of tools of trade.

The DA in Msunduzi has strongly objected to the diversion of funds on the basis that senior municipal management has failed in their responsibility to execute basic service delivery. These individuals must be held accountable and the funds must be used for their intended purpose – to stop the growing water crisis in Msunduzi.

The DA will continue to fight on behalf of the people of Msunduzi. Their needs must be placed before politics.