DA retains Ward 73, eThekwini with an increased majority

Issued by Francois Rodgers, MPL – DA KZN Leader
24 May 2023 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance in KwaZulu-Natal is humbled and elated by the trust that residents continue to have in the DA.

This as the party retained Ward 73, eThekwini by an increased majority in today’s by-election. The DA received 81,7% in support, an increase from 67.5% in the 2021 elections.

This despite the ANC’s bogus claims that they welcomed hundreds of “former DA members” Members who to date, the DA does not recognise.

The ANC once again proved its desperation to win at any cost. Post President Ramaphosa’ s visit to ward 73, the ANC has been hard at work handing out SASSA food vouchers to voters including on voting day.

We are encouraged by the support that the DA continues to receive across the province as we head into the 2024 elections. It is time to send a strong message to the ANC. A message that clearly states we have had enough of their lies, incompetence and food vouchers, and that the DA stands ready to serve the voters of KZN.

Thank you to residents that rejected the ANC. The DA will continue to serve the residents of eThekwini ward 73 to the best of our abilities.

Woza 2024!