R15 million spent on eThekwini’s Rainbow Chicken Farm yet no jobs created

Issued by Khetha Mkhize Cllr – DA EThekwini Councillor
19 Mar 2019 in Press Statements

Notes to the Editor: Find attached pictures of the facility: here here here  here here here

The Rainbow Chicken Property, purchased by eThekwini Municipality in early 2017, is still dormant and not being used. DA Councillors who have inspected the site twice, found that no activity is taking place since EThekwini Council approved the acquisition of the portion 278 (of 275) of the Farm Uitkomst and Doornrug in April 2017.

The buildings are situated between Georgedale and Cato Ridge, and were meant to create much-needed job opportunities to hundreds of people, mainly the local residents of Mpumalanga Township which include Georgedale, Mophela, Sankontshe and other surrounding areas. The project was sold to the city as a skills development project, with skills transfer opportunities.

A recent oversight inspection by DA eThekwini Caucus Chief Whip, Councillor Thabani Mthethwa and Councillor Khetha Mkhize, revealed that buildings on the site had fallen into an appalling state of disrepair.

Even as the buildings remain vacant for close to two years now, the costs of securing the empty building are rising. Still, with all the security on the site, some parts of the building have been damaged and stripped.

The R15 million project is not providing the economic and agricultural benefits that were promised for the people. Rather, its accumulated running costs that are robbing taxpayers of monies that could ideally be used elsewhere.

During the 2017 financial year, when the proposal for the acquisition was made, Acting City Manager Phillip Sithole promised that the facility would be ready for occupation in December of the year with all the legal and transfer processes being finalized. Two years later, no updates, no occupation and the much taunted Radical Economic Transformation is a no show.

The DA will be following this matter closely to ensure that resources injected into the project are not lost and that the intended beneficiaries receive what is due to them.

The people of Mpumalanga Township and surroundings areas deserve fair access to quality jobs with decent wages to support their families.

For residents of EThekwini, the upcoming election is an opportunity to vote of continued corruption, and no service delivery by the ANC or for a people-centred government founded on the principle of Freedom, Fairness, Opportunity and Diversity.

The DA remains the only organization with a plan of taking our province and municipality forward. With a promise to ensure that there is a job in every household. The fight for poverty remains at the centre of our values and will continue to.