DAWN KZN condemns bail for policeman who allegedly raped woman in police station

Issued by Remona Mckenzie – DAWN KZN Chairperson
22 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance in KwaZulu-Natal is concerned about the granting of bail for a policeman who allegedly raped a 26-year-old woman at a Pietermaritzburg Police Station.

According to reports, the victim had been at the police station for an affidavit when the policeman requested that they go to his office. When she declined the sexual advances, he allegedly raped her.

The victim reported the matter to her family, who then opened a case against the policeman leading to his arrest on 15 August. He appeared in Court on Monday and was then released on R5 000 bail.

The DA Women’s Network believes that this is a threat to the safety of the woman and her family. We have seen similar cases where women are further victimized and even killed when bail is granted. We have also seen women retract / withdraw from cases due to fear.

It would seem that the perpetrator is allowed freedom while the victim will feel threatened and live in fear of her life.

Disappointingly this is happening during Women’s Month, where they should be celebrated. She has fallen victim at the hands of the very same people that are supposed to protect her, in a province that is dubbed the “Rape Capital” of the country. We believe the protection of victims must be prioritized.

We however welcome the reports that the case has been handed over to the IPID, we are hopeful of a swift and speedy investigation that will ensure that the perpetrator is jailed should he be found guilty

The DA Women’s Network will be closely monitoring this case and will provide the victim with assistance she needs where possible.