DA calls for schools to be exempt from eThekwini water crisis

Issued by Thabani Mthethwa – DA eThekwini Caucus Leader
06 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The eThekwini water crisis has spilled over onto the education sector (view here). The water situation has been an ongoing nightmare for residents around eThekwini and businesses, especially north of Durban, however it seems now learning is also at risk.

This after pupils at Wembley Primary, in Phoenix, and others in the area, have been forced to go home early today as there is no water. A circular to this effect has been shared with the school confirming the pupils’ early release. The DA also understands that this is becoming an ongoing problem and it’s starting to affect the learning program in the affected schools.

EThekwini is already engaged in an ongoing human rights violation over this water crisis, and now it seems our future leaders are also being subjected to this constitutional violation of such a basic need. Not only does the non-supply of water threaten to disturb the curriculum but it also poses a health risk at a concentrated facility such as a school premises.

With the water situation worsening the DA is not convinced that the city will be anywhere near eradicating the water challenges in heavily affected areas like Phoenix, Verulam, eThekwini and Tongaat by the 15th February deadline which was confidently announced by the Water Minister. Announcements of miraculous deadlines don’t deliver water – relentless, urgent actions do.

As the DA, we also call on the city of eThekwini to urgently exempt schools and institutions of learning from water cuts. It is simply unacceptable that innocent minds have to also contend with issues of water supply over and above pre-existing challenges like electricity. This cannot be an environment where young future leaders are expected to thrive.

The DA will be moving to ensure the failing ANC-EFF coalition takes this call seriously and ensure constant daily supply of water to all schools in the municipality.