DA blocked from conducting oversight at eThekwini vehicles depot

Issued by Councillor Mzamo Billy – DA eThekwini Deputy Caucus Leader
20 Nov 2023 in Press Statements

Today, Monday 20 November 2023, the Democratic Alliance (DA) in eThekwini attempted to conduct a planned oversight inspection visit to see the three (3) street sweeper vehicles which cost the city R2.9 million but have allegedly never been used, are a wrong fit and have simply become white elephants.

In a typical EFF and ANC draconian secrecy style, it appears there was an instruction given to officials to block DA councillors from doing oversight duties and entering Durban Solid Waste (DSW) offices. This even though the DA had informed and invited the Acting Head of Cleansing and Solid Waste (CSW), Noluthando Magewu, and the Deputy City Manager for Trading Services, Sibusiso Makhanyal, whom both opted not to join the oversight.

Last week the DA got assurance from the city’s Head of Fleet, that responses to questions about the purchase and operation of these vehicles had been finalised and ready. This was also confirmed by the Deputy Head of CSW.

The DA however, got confirmation that the vehicles were quietly moved from the depot.

The actions of the city are destructive, unconstitutional, and only aimed at weakening our oversight obligation and avoid accountability. It is now clearer than ever that the city has a lot to hide on the purchase and use of these mini street sweeper vehicles and is using every available opportunity to block the public and the DA from getting to the truth.

In our pursuit of the truth and holding the ANC and EFF accountable, we demand that the Speaker supply answers as this matter is now in the public domain. The residents and the ratepayers need to know why such expensive street sweeper machines were bought and why they are not put to use.