While the DA welcomes the allocation of R129.5 million towards crime fighting in the city; we are however concerned that these funds may end up in the back pockets of ANC cadres.
Recruiting 400 new Peace Officers, for 3 years, to walk the streets will not effectively reduce crime.
The DA proposes that stronger actions to achieve the vision of safer communities in eThekwini must be implemented through strengthening the criminal justice system, resourcing the police service, and using an integrated approach to safety.
Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda should have prioritised getting the 401 non-functional cameras working and resourcing the Metro Police who have failed in their mandate to protect the residents and businesses of this city.
Our tourist’s hotspots have become crime hotspots. How can the economy of this city grow with a serious lack of law enforcement?
The DA cannot wait 3 years for a crime-fighting budget to be rolled out, that does not serve the residents.